Ann Coulter showed up for dinner at Cafe Luxembourg wearing a tight, stretchy blue shirt, white pants and Chanel flats. As the blond babe noire of liberal America sat down across from me, I noticed that she was beaming. And no wonder: Her new book, Treason—in which she passionately defends Joseph McCarthy and makes the case that liberals from the 1940’s to the present have not only wrecked the country but are traitors—has sold over 200,000 copies and was No. 3 on the New York Times best-seller list. And she’d just gotten word that she’d be getting a $3 million advance for her next book. Her pal Matt Drudge broke the news on his Web site.
Even Ms. Coulter’s conservative cohorts have been taken aback by Treason. Right-wing blogger Andrew Sullivan wrote an article for the London Sunday Times, titled "The Problem With Ann," in which he declared: "American politics has been badly damaged by the scruple-free tactics of those like Michael Moore and Ann Coulter. In some ways, of course, these shameless hucksters of ideological hate deserve each other. But America surely deserves better." (During dinner, Ms. Coulter would refer to Mr. Sullivan’s Web site as "some gay guy’s blog.") The Wall Street Journal’s Dorothy Rabinowitz really went for the jugular, calling Ms. Coulter the "Maureen Dowd of the conservatives."