GE/NBC in Boston has "technical" problem during the Clarke report?
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Mon Mar-22-04 08:54 AM
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GE/NBC in Boston has "technical" problem during the Clarke report? |
A curious NBC TODAY event today was the Boston 7 (NBC) broadcast- and this was carried on DirectTV to the area - was without audio - and/or without video - for most of the Clarke story on the Today show. With background noise of someone moving about and sometimes talking/laughing, and with the "problem" only affecting this portion of the broadcast, perhaps GE allowed/encouraged some brave right wing staff to show the Bush Flag by some "technical problem" game playing?
Did any other area have the "technical" problem during the Clarke report?
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Mon Mar-22-04 08:58 AM
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1. Not here. But my CNN went out last week right before Stern/Bush |
story - right after the tease - coming up next, Howard Stern takes on President Bush. Then boom - no CNN. Did not lose ANY of the other 500 channels.
Someone else lost their cable last night during 60 minutes.
We need to keep of record of when where and why.
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Mon Mar-22-04 09:51 AM
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3. A few years ago on NBC's "Meet the Press" |
Jesse Jackson was a guest and when he was speaking there was a loud sound that seemed to be a gunshot. Actually, it was probably a light in the studio that blew out. But that's rather rare on TV.
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Mon Mar-22-04 09:00 AM
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2. Funny thing about Boston's CBS affiliate |
Everytime they reported the Clarke story the reporter would finish by saying, and I paraphase...Clarke's book is being published by Simon and Shuster which is owned by Viacom which also owns this station. I don't think I have ever heard a news report with that type of obsessed disclosure. Are they that afrid of the wrath of the Crooked Ones?
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Mon Mar-22-04 10:37 AM
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4. I Posted A Similar Comment Last Night.... |
My cable (and internet) went out last night during the second half of the Clarke interview on "60 minutes." Naturally, I assumed that the administration was screwing up the broadcast somehow! I live in a Boston suburb, but it seems that most of Boston had cable just fine.
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Mon Mar-22-04 11:07 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. DirectTV and over the air broadcast Ch 7 was affected - but only for the |
Today Show Clarke segment.
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Mon Mar-22-04 05:52 PM
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6. Berry Interwesting..... |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:46 AM
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