As if Rush Limbaugh hadn't already proved his cowardice enough with his lies about not being a drug user and drug dealer, now "Fat Boy" Rush is making the laughable assertion that John Kerry was at a anti-war meeting 30 years ago, in which someone suggested killing several US Senators. First of all there is no proof John Kerry was ever even there. Second even the few "Bush butt licking" morons who are claiming he was there, agree that when the suggestion of assassinating US Senators was brought up, Kerry was so horrified, he quit the anti-war group. Either way all this does is prove that Kerry is a decent, rational man who certainly is a patriot and is against insane idea like killing US Senators.
This topic was also brought up by the EXTREMELY stupid Bush "Butt Boy" Don Imus. Imus is a coward and a senile old fart, who claims to support Kerry, but in utter acts of betrayal, continues to attack Kerry on issues no REAL American cares about. Imus also has his head so far up Bush's butt, that he is attacking Richard Clarke for telling the truth about the cowardice and incompetence of the Bush Administration. Imus and Rush are both examples of why "Euthanasia" is a good I dead for some of our more pathetic citizens.