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Cowards Dennis Hastert and Laura Ingraham try to hide the truth of 9/11

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DevinDNC Donating Member (80 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-04 11:59 AM
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Cowards Dennis Hastert and Laura Ingraham try to hide the truth of 9/11
Poor, pathetic Laura Ingraham, and poor "Wide Ass" Dennis Hastert. It truly is hillarious to see the cowardice of the RNC and the Bush administration. After his widely hailed and highley damaging testimoney, Richard Clark is now enduring the same kind of cowardly and disgracefull smear campaign that Paul O'Neill had to contend with, the campaign is being led by two morons of the highest order...Skank Laura Ingraham, and "fat ass" Dennis Hastert. Apparently when a person has the guts to tell America the truth about the cowardice and failure of the sleazy Bush administration, the GOP tries to silence them in the most UN-American way possible. I guess GOP scumbags like Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Dennis "fat boy" Hastert, believe we should be living in a Facist society where no one has the right to speak the truth.
Unfortunately for sissy boy George Bush, and his GOP filth. the damage has already been done. America now knows that Bush was complicent in failing to protect America from 9/11. Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Limbaugh and Bush are ALL responsible for 3000+ deaths.
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Old and In the Way Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-04 01:01 PM
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1. I agree.....the true party of cowards are the Republicans.
They are in the majority in both House and Senate. They've let the Dictator-Fraud-in-Chief have his way without as much as a whimper. No more proof needed than Hastert's recent desire to hold the 9/11 deadline....while Bush stayed nuetral on the topic.

Many hear complain about the spineless Democrats, but I suspect that a re-election which places Democrats in the majority positions will precipatate a change in government, the likes we've never seen. And no one would be better to lead this than Kerry.

IMHO, the over-riding issue in this election isn't who is the most progressive Democrat on social/economic policy positions. It's who has the guts, knowledge, and leadership to take point on this change. If there is such a thing as pre-destination, Kerry appears to be the right person at the right time to conclude the final chapter of the BFEE story.
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