The 60 MINUTES interview with Clarke generated letters read on 60 minutes the next Sunday that were mostly in favor of the Bush Administration.
Unless there is bias (?), seems we need more letters to 60 minutes - this time on the Rice interview - perhaps suggesting that Condoleeza Rice can and should testify at the open hearings or she should be subpoenaed to do so, and b) the evidence strongly suggests that the Bush administration put the subject of counterterrorism and terrorist threats to the U.S. on the back burner so they could pursue the invasion of Iraq and missile defense; facts that Richard Clarke is only beginning to shed light on.....What is Condoleeza Rice hiding from the public and the families of 9/11....?
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Transcript: Transcript of salient points with references
via Center for American Progress: by Paul Krugman (NYT):Something remarkable has been happening lately:insiders are finding the courage to reveal the truth
about the Bush administration.