article from the front page.. there are lots of goodies here Is Nuts
POLITICS | 8.9.2003
It's official.
Today I woke up and accepted that I no longer live in a real country...or even in a real world. Instead, I live in a satire. Yes, it's true. 2003 is the year that reality became a television genre, and the sartorial insanity of "The Simpsons" spilled out of the set and into our flesh-and-blood existences.
This opinion has been building for weeks, years even...perhaps dating back to the literal blow-by-blow account of the Clinton-Lewinski affair. But, considering what a surreal summer this has been, I can no longer accept that this twisted state of events is merely a phase the United States is passing through. Nope. A phase consists of a short spell of unusual behavior. Should America choose to do things in a moderate, calm and informed manner...that would be a phase: our breaking free from the normal day-to-day routine of being completely nuts. Don't believe me? Still think that America the Beautiful is playing with a full deck? Well then, let's look at some recent plays in the game, shall we?
Homosexuals and progressives rejoiced when the Supreme Court overturned the sodomy laws in this country. Conservatives, of course, went ballistic, demanding that marriage be defined by the government as an institution between a man and a woman...which prompted both our president and the Pope to issue similar proclamations...urging the citizenry to love the sinner, hate the sin.
Where's the insanity here? For starters, having sodomy made legal in the US is a great step towards true equal rights (for both gays and for people who don't want the government in their bedroom), but we're celebrating a ruling that's eons behind the rest of the Western World. If it took America years to reach the level of equality gays enjoy in Western Europe, then the conservatives have little to worry about regarding gay marriage for quite some time, no?
Also, considering that the Catholic Church has been involved in priestly-pedophilia for millennia, perhaps they should reconsider taking any stand regarding sexual acts in the future. Remove all of the pomp and circumstance, and the Catholic Church is an organization that's anti-gay, but pro-child abuse and silence. In short, its perfect for the United States! It makes no sense...and yet, it pretends it does!
love their poll
Worst side effect of SARS virus:
gives airline industry more whining fodder
causes a rash of conspiracy theories
has left Michael Savage unscathed
lung failure causes Rumsfeld to talk out his ass even more