We Want Joe Conason!!!
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Tue Aug-19-03 08:47 AM
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Yesterdays MWO had a campaign and several links to shows where we could request that JC be on as a guest.I sent two E-mails out one to Bill Maher(requesting either Joe Conason and/or Randi Rhodes debate Ann Coulter)and one to Hardball and amazingly enuff 'viola'there he was last night.I said"Hey Chris why don't you have Joe Conason instead of A-hole$ like Pat Caddell on your show.Thanks to Media Whores Online for the idea.Now if we can get Randi on Hardball from channel 5's studio in WPB...whadda you guys say how about a WE WANT RANDI RHODES letter writing campaign next?
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Tue Aug-19-03 09:30 AM
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1. I nearly died when Bill Maher gushed all over Ann Coulter last night. |
Do you think he knows something we don't know?
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Tue Aug-19-03 11:01 AM
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2. Funny reply from Bill Maher |
I sent an email to everyone on the list and received a reply from Maher.
It simply stated "Thanks for the input" Love, Bill Under the Love, Bill - Bill Maher... Thought that was pretty funny - no one ever replys with Love....felt kinda good.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:49 AM
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