Yesterday afternoon, I heard Triv (WTAM-1100 AM, "The Big One" "The station with all the balls", etc, Clear Channel) gushingly report the old news story "The Catholic Church is refusing communion ..." yadda yadda yadda.
His sidekick, who (on rare occasions) corrects him politically, says that it's not right to deny anybody the sacraments.
Triv then made a claim that I find to be puzzling.
"You know who Catholics are? DEMOCRATS!" (something like that, just implying that most Catholics vote for Democrats).
Now, the puzzle.
1. Catholics are supposed to be anti-abortion. Democrats are generally pro-choice. Voting Dem for them is going against that tide. Go past a Catholic Church near the anniversary of Roe V Wade. Note the number of tiny white crosses.
2. His definition probably can be out of date by about 44 years. The last Catholic President was JFKennedy.
3. The religious right has not attached itself to the Democratic party, and, as far as I can see, Catholics tend to be religious.
4. Offsetting the entire Kennedy family are Ashcroft, Giuliani, Ahnold, a whole bunch of Republicans, AND TRIV HIMSELF! (Believe it or not, he actually leans pro-choice - but that doesn't stop him from gushing about any Republican except Bob Taft).
5. The Pope came out against the war. You don't hear the Religious Right saying much about that. Usually, you hear the Dems saying that. The Dems don't have the media's ears.
6. The Pope also recently came out against sporting events and similar things. "Keep the Sabbath sacred" or something like that. "The Big One" usually likes to broadcast the Browns games, along with the Cleveland Indians and the Cavaliers games. The Browns games tend to be on Sundays, and I do recall that there are baseball and basketball games that tend to occur on Sundays. Is Triv wanting to lose that revenue?
So, my question is this: Didn't he just lie his ass off, or are the Catholics in the US Dems?
(on a semi-related note, he heard Tim Ryan, a Niles, Ohio Democrat, say that we are "in a major recession", and he nearly drove his car into a ditch because Ryan "was lying through his teeth").
This a-hole claims he's Mr. Know-It-All. When caught, he spins it that he means "in sports". He's usually listening to Rush for the talking points.