Edited on Sun Jun-20-04 07:15 PM by stopbush
So, I'm watching The History Channel® today, and I see an ad promoting their 9PM show tonight on "The Real King Arthur." That ad is followed immediately by an ad for the new movie version of King Arthur that's set to release this month.
That got me thinking...and I remember a similar strategy last month - the Brad Pitt vehicle "Troy" was advertised heavily on THC while THC produced it's own "accurate" account of the Trojan Wars.
That got me thinking about a lot of similar incidents...like the deadly serious promos on WNBC NY hawking their in-house series of reports that were inspired on a certain Julia Roberts flick: "Tonight at 6...Could you be *Sleeping With The Enemy*?"...or the hoopla that surrounded a Spielberg film: "Do you believe ETs exist?"...or, how about that TV show on A&E: "The TRUE STORY of Black-hawk Down"?
Yes, it seems to happen all the time - media tie-in programming crafted to allow the TV networks to cash in on the flick's popularity while boosting ticket sales for said flick
...unless the movie reflects badly on Rs...like Mike Moore's F9/11.
So, do you think we'll see tie-in reports on all the news outlets in the next few weeks, working that *media synergy* to the quick...or will it be nothing but a steady diet of MM character assassination?