Edited on Fri May-05-06 02:13 AM by oscar111
fact: desperate people can be robbed easily.
Thus, crush them , to rob more. Make millions desperate.. to rob more.
Lawyers and doctors have been rich for centuries because folks desperate to avoid jail, or desperate to stay healthy, give all they have to these two vultures.
The GOP has seen this, and applied it to entire populations: make them desperate somehow. Then, the GOP can rob much more easily.
How? Create a Job Shortage. {see my sig for federal government documentation}. BLS says the current Job Shortage is twelve million. {their stat of four mill. openings, from the sixteen mill. jobless seekers and discouraged}
When 12 million are made desperate, they will offer to work for low wages. That pulls down the whole middle class "wage ladder". Including your wage, dear reader.
The GOP's true essence is "crush and rob".
All their other talk is thick clothing to hide that bare bone.