Has anyone seen the President F*ckface shirt at
http://www.neo-liberal.net/ ?
When I saw this shirt I couldn't stop laughing. I have to admit it is pretty vulgar but I believe it does reflect many american's sentiments.
T-shirts have become a way for people to communicate their deepest political, religious, moral, etc. convictions. Some of them are very humorous and others very serious. From hilarious shirts that mock Bush to the tragic excution of Tookie Williams there is the whole gamut. (Demockratees seems to be on the light-hearted side but the subject matter they deal with is still pretty serious).
This surge of opionionated shirts arises from the religious and political polarization of the country. People feel threatened so they feel that they must defend their beliefs by constantly reaffirming themselves and challenging others. I think this trend will definately continue. I would have to attribute this polarization to 9/11. Anyone else have anything to add? See any other outrageous shirts???
<a href="http://neo-liberal.net/" target="_blank"><img src="
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