Dear Mr. “President”:
I honestly don’t know where to begin. I guess by stating the obvious: You are hands down the biggest fuck-up in our nation’s history. There is so much I want to say about how on your watch, we lost our greatest skyline and an entire Metropolis, but alas, that will have to wait. As will my thoughts on your exploitation of faith and the way you played honest religious people for fools. And I don’t even have time to discuss your War on English. There’s one big boo-boo that overshadows them all, even your refusal to acknowledge climate change.
Last night you finally acknowledge “mistakes” in the execution of Your Iraq War and say the responsibility rests with you. That’s all fine and dandy, but let’s not, to use your word, “misunderestimate” these so-called mistakes.
A mistake in execution is one thing, and every American wartime leader has made them going back to General George Washington. Your mistake is of far greater magnitude than some misplaced troops and unreasonable expectations of the Iraqi “government”. Let’s face the facts here Mr. President, this war was built on lie after lie after lie.
There’s no need to go into an explanation of your lies anymore, for those lies have all been exposed time and time again to the point where they’re common knowledge. We all know by now that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11, no weapons of mass destruction, the oil revenues will not pay for the war, Mission was Not Accomplished, the Insurgency is not in it’s last throes, we were not greeted as liberators, and the more I think about it, I have no real reason to believe Saddam tried to kill your daddy. But he’s dead now. Iraq got a close-up look at “Texas Justice”. Can we come home?
No. Now you want to send more US soldiers into the Iraq Civil War? Quite frankly sir, you must be on drugs. That’s fighting fire with gasoline. (For you and your voters, gasoline is highly flammable, meaning if you expose it to fire, it will burn).
Mr. President it also seems to me that, much like Afghanistan, you’re getting bored with Iraq and want to move on to a new toy. Last night you openly hinted that Syria and Iran had better watch their step. While few would disagree with the notion that Iran is a veiled threat to global security, the bottom line is, you done fucked up. They know you’re powerless and impotent right now. Your crying wolf in Iraq has destroyed our credibility worldwide and overextended our money and resources needed to effectively fight terrorism and defend the country.
And then you sneak this little nugget into the speech
"We can begin by working together to increase the size of the active Army and Marine Corps, so that America has the Armed Forces we need for the 21st century."
How might I ask, do you propose to do that? Incase the generals whom you so often ignore haven’t told you, but a Troop Surge in a foreign civil war with no end in sight is hardly and effective recruiting tool. Go figure. Why don’t more people want to die for you and your lies? I have no answers. Seems to me you’ve got only one real shot at increasing the size of our armed forces (which a few years ago your cabinet felt needed decreasing), and it’ll be a cold day in hell before Congress authorizes a draft. Though in my heart, I would gladly support the drafting of those 59,054,087 jackasses that sent you back to Washington after you clearly showed no signs of leadership, intelligence or compassion in your first four years.
This snafu of yours has never had a clearly defined victory and you have still failed to provide one. This sounds like nothing more than your “Stay The Course” rhetoric, only with more American lives at stake. Your benchmarks are all hypothetical, and it seems that your only exit strategy is to pass this mess over to your successor.
America can’t wait that long Bush. There is only one viable option and that’s for you, and Dick, to resign from your positions. Short of that, it is imperative on the House of Representatives to draw up Articles of Impeachment, and for the Senate to overwhelmingly vote to remove your sorry, pathetic ass from the White House. You can then go home and cry to that bitch of a mother of yours and bide your time till you are handed over for criminal prosecution – home or abroad. Maybe we’ll just turn you over to that “judicious” and “democratic” court system in Iraq you think so highly of.
I’ll be sure to charge my camera-phone.