6 - I've come back to add one more bit of snarkiness:
While the response of the local right-wing Rupert Murdoch controlled media blew this out of proportion, our local government's response was far, far preferable to the kind of response we got from the Federal government after Hurricane Katrina.
Imagine if Deval Patrick had to go in front of the cameras and say, "Nobody could have anticipated that terrorists would hide bombs inside devices that look like cartoon characters."
At least Deval wasn't playing guitar and eating birthday cake with John McCain while a city drowned. At least Menino wasn't out watching Spamalot on Broadway and shopping for shoes while a city drowned.
After "Nobody could have anticipated the breaching of the levees," and "Heckuva Job" Brownie, you Republickers have no business criticizing how anyone else handles a crisis.
And Boston, The Birthplace of The American Revolution and The Shot Heard 'Round The World, stands ready for ANYTHING.
Don't you Repukes forget that.
Written by: ian at 2007/02/01 - 22:56:02