Coulter's latest incredibly insulting venture into flapping her gums aside, I'm sick of the whole tenor of politics these days. if even half of the politicians in Washington, and around the country could stop posturing for even a few minutes, and actually do some work, we could start fixing all of these evident holes this country faces.
If candidates worked on tackling the issues rather than their opponents in the polls, we could actually see where they stand on the issues that are important to ALL Americans. If these hateful pundits, both Liberal and Conservative, were all told to keep it above the belt, we could hear about what these politicians stand for, not whether they're black enough, or whether they're sorry about voting for the war.
We've become a laughing-stock tabloid culture that ellicits snickers from the rest of the world. Only in this country would Anna Nicole Smith get more press coverage than the deplorable conditions at Walter Reed, or the chaos of Iraq. Only here could the White House intimidate the press into not reporting important news stories.
We've become so divided that one nearly has to watch two separate news stations to get all the news, while learning to filter out the bullshit and combine the stories to root out the truth.
Now on to Ann Coulter. I'm not a fan...I've never been a fan, but it seems that she is destined to one-up herself constantly. Her unthinkable comments this weekend at CPAC have caused a whirlwind of reactions, and have brought at least 3 conservative candidates out of the woodwork to condemn her bigoted comments about former Senator John Edwards. Why do they keep inviting her to these things? They know her reputation for being outrageous, hateful, and oblivious to common decorum and human decency. It's about time to stop paying her to appear places. I'm pretty sure that her 15 minutes just went up in flames. If we can embargo North Korea on flawed information, we can certainly stop supporting her propaganda hate machine. Stop booking her...stop booking people who do...stop buying her books...STOP HER!!!