We constantly hear of Republicons " distancing" themselves from Bush. As an engineer, I just can't deal with distance without a Standard Unit. Naturally I'd like to use a unit to which everyone can relate. Here in America we use the Mile every day. I propose that the unit of distance between any politician and the Shrub be the Mile. That's what I'm going to call it. But how to calculate the relative distance? Well, let's see.
The distance formula proposed below has two components; Pro Bush votes and Bush Veto Over Ride votes. Pro Bush as in rubber stamp. Veto Over ride is heavily weighted, because in that category there can be no posing or crocodile tears. You're either a Shurubber or you're not.
Distance = (1- (Pro Bush votes)/(total votes)) + (Bush veto over ride votes)
I don't have the hard data handy on just who might be furthest from or closest to Bush. But consistent application of the data will produce valid results. If, for example, we applied this to former representative Santorum it would be near or at zero. Applied to Barney Frank, for example, it produces a larger number.
I hope you've found this concept a useful one.