Anyone else see Rudy fielding a question on how we can get a handle on healthcare costs? Of course his solution included propping up health insurance companies, but what really got me was when he compared health care with
televisions. He claimed that since televisions got cheaper over time and more people could and did buy the newest television technology health care would follow the same logic.
HOW ABSURD!Is anyone out there anxious to buy more health care services? "Gee, if the price would only come down I would go get that new chemotherapy." This comparison was a joke and the fact that the audience didn't colapse into unrestrained gaffaws puzzles me.
He also asked what happens when anything is answer from the complacent crowd..."cost go through the roof," was his answer.
Rudy needs to go see Michael Moore's new movie. Health insurance companies are the problem, not the answer. And police, fire fighters and public education are all examples of socialized systems in America that have served us well.