01:00 AM EST on Sunday, November 11, 2007
By Edward Fitzpatrick
Journal Staff Writer
... The article is drawing criticism from retired Superior Court Judge Stephen J. Fortunato Jr., a former civil-rights and criminal defense lawyer who is now an adjunct professor at the Roger Williams University School of Law.
In an interview, Fortunato said he does not take issue with the fact that Williams wrote the law review article; he said the test will be whether a detainee’s lawyer uses the article to challenge Williams’ impartiality.
But Fortunato said he does take issue with the conclusions Williams reaches. “It’s surprising to me that this current situation can in any way be likened to a civil war within our own borders,” he said. “In a short carriage ride to the Potomac, Lincoln could see the smoke of battlefields. A rival government was established on our soil, and there were rebel armies all over the place.”
Fortunato said, “Most people who understand history don’t think the sky is falling and we should be in panic mode. And, I must add, George Bush is no Abraham Lincoln. He’s not even a Martin Van Buren.” ...