What's the point of keeping the terrorists at bay in the Middle East if we can't keep decline and decadence at bay here at home? The growing number of children born out of wedlock and the rise in no-fault divorce have been a disaster for our society.
http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=10Maybe he meant to express concern that the parents aren't married. However, what's his plan to prevent unmarried couples from making babies?
I believe that Roe v. Wade should be over-turned.
http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=11I'm still trying to figure out that part about the Middle East. If Huckabee honestly believes that the adventure in Iraq was designed to fight terrorism, then why should "decline and decadence" at home be a reason to question the purpose of the war in Iraq?
To me it sounds like this: "Why bother to detain drunk drivers if unmarried couples are making babies? If you get hit by a drunk driver, then you have a chance of dying and being put out of your misery. Or you might just be seriously injured, which is also okay if unmarried couples are out there making babies. Look, if unmarried couples are having babies, then I just don't care what happens. Of course, a wedding ceremony would solve the problem. Why don't people see that?"