I am sick of seeing people abuse the system. Well, so am I. But the answer to that is enforcement, which means expanding law enforcement powers and personnel, and raising taxes to pay for them. And the Repubs are all against the former, unless it involves spying on everybody. The money we'd save by shutting down corrupt and greedy business practices would probably pay for itself in short order, though.
I am sick of having to work hard to feed not only my family but 10 others that mooch off the government. Me too! Except the moochers are corporations that move a fax machine to the Cayman Islands or Dubai and say they don't have to pay taxes anymore! And how about the billions we give to Big Oil? And don't get me started on the insurance and health-care industry! Halliburton's taken far more money than the poor in Harlem have taken in food stamps.
I am sick of successful white men that feel guilty for the sins of their forefathers 200 years ago digging into my pockets to make themselves feel at ease. Well, I don't share that feeling, not being rich.
I am sick of everyone forgetting who sold slaves to us to begin with. I know who sold us slaves to begin with... the African tribes that won a war sold us the losers. I also know that WE, European-decended whites, were having an Enlightenment and a Renaissance and all that wonderful stuff and were suppose to know better... or at least wake up to the fact that what we were doing was wrong.
I am sick of being called narrow minded if I choose to believe in one nation under God. Nobody cares if you believe it, we care when YOU decide that that is what EVERYBODY should believe.
I am sick of the thought in this country that all healthcare should be a right. Okay, then how about we, as a people, choose to make it a priviledge granted to everybody? How about we the people decide that socializing medical insurance empowers capitalism, much like socializing the Interstate Highway System does? Or the schools? Or the post offices?
I am sick of being told I am bad for thinking that those that give more in taxes up front should get more back. I'm not. Those that make lots of money are using a lot more of the public services such as roads, the publically-educated workforce, utilities, and the legal system. In addition, since the Supreme Court has ruled that money is a form of free speech, the more money you have the more free speech you have. If the richest 5% make half of of the money, then they have as much political influence as the bottom 95%, and will be able to make laws and influence politics to their advantage. How is that either good, fair, or democratic?
I am sick of the "New Deal" that is 80 years OLD...shouldn't we now call it the "raw deal"? So you're sick of the 40-hour work week, time-and-a-half, and prohibitions against child labor? Tired of having safe working conditions? Do you miss having homeless sick, disabled, and elderly people living under bridges? And rural electrification... man, wasn't that a rip-off?
Did you know that the Manhattan project located it's massive centrifuges right in Kentucky so they could take advantage of the massive electrical power of the Tennessee Valley Authority's hydroelectric dams? And that at it's peak, the centrifuges used more power than the whole of New York City? If the "New Deal" TVA program hadn't happened, we wouldn't have had a nuclear weapon in time to end World War Two.
And Hoover Dam supplying electricity and water to California. How would we have been able to make all those airplanes and power other industries during World War Two without Hoover Dam, another "New Deal" waste of money?
I am sick of the Chinese owning a majority of our debt...I am sick of noone asking why they do. Well, they own about 10%. But I'm sick of it, too, or of even having one in the first place. But we have it because of tax cuts for the rich without reducing spending. To get rid of it, we either have to tax more or spend less. Since we're already spending less (except where the Pentagon and Iraq are concerned) and we won't cut out the humongus amounts of financial fat that having a privitized health-care system results in, I guess we're going to have to tax somebody. And who should we tax, the poor or the rich? hmmm...
I am sick of having having two parties that are equally corrupt. Well, they aren't equally corrupt but I get what you mean. Publically-financed elections and stricter ethics rules would help quite a bit (look at Trent Lott, jumping ship to take a well-monied position at a lobbyist), but instant-runoff voting would also make more poltical parties viable without giving up majority rule.
I am sick of code pink burning Soldier dolls. Sorry, don't know what that means.
I am sick of those "peaceful" protesters that say they support our Soldiers but assault the Marine recruiters. That's a little broad, but don't forget about all the brutal police procedures during the RNC convention in NYC in 2004.
I am sick of reading the hypocritical rants written by the "keyboard cowards" of thedailykos.com. And the Free Republicans and Conservative Undergrounders are all posting from Fallujah?
I am sick of seeing literal dictators of other countries supporting liberal candidates for government offices. Sorry, must have missed this one.
I am sick of being told that this is a recession when I don't have to wait in line for gas that is way over priced like during the Carter years. During the Carter years the Arab countries actually stopped selling oil. The high prices now are perceptions of the future. Oil production has not been affected. Now, Bush's policies and ham-handedness in the MidEast are what's making people worried about oil futures. Especially with neocon economic policies turning China and India into competetors for natural resources with the US and Europe.
Speaking of, I am sick of being told gas is too over priced when I pay more for a gallon of milk than a gallon of gas. It costs about $15 a barrel to pump crude out of the ground and put it on a ship. That's about 38¢ a gallon. I'll leave the rest of the price to your imagination.
I am sick of ex-presidents that bad mouth current administrations. Is it unjustified? Let me put is this way. Historically, ex-presidents don't criticize current presidents. So how hated and how terrible must Bush be for this to be happening?
I am sick of only honorable citizens obeying the laws and laws being made to restrict them instead of the criminals...think about it...you'll figure it out. Yeah, so am I. Some laws, especially drug laws, need to be overhauled. We need room and resources to put the real problem criminals in prison. Can't do that if the courts are clogged with potheads, can we?
I am sick of people believing I should be obligated to do good things and taxing me to insure I do them. Ummm.....
I am sick of not being able to own land in this country (don't pay your property taxes and see who owns "your land". Well, why do you pay property taxes? Because not everything is being paid for by sales and income taxes. Tell you what: let's raise income taxes enough to that nobody every has to pay property taxes.
I am sick of this no longer being a republic. Get rid of the jerrymandering and put in publicly financed elections and instant runoff voting.
I am sick of people that blame America for all that is wrong in the world. We are the world's only superpower. We freed Europe from the Nazis, and the Pacific from the Japanese. Naturally, we have a big footprint, and often we use that for bad things. Spraying Agent Orange on Columbian cocoa farms because American loves cocaine does not endear us to people. And the corrupt theocratical Islam regimes we prop up for oil... oy vey!
I am sick of people that forget that democracy is the worst form of government. Democratic republic to date is the best. But when Republicans systematically empower lobbyists and prevent people from voting, when they make the process so disgusting that few participate, when there are only two options and both look bad, the "democratic" part of the equation is severly weakened.
I am sick of people that cheer at a rally where the speaker says they will give all Americans equal healthcare and then say that they will tax those that make money to cover it. If this was universal-singer-payer, then companies would benefit enourmously because the burden would be shifted to the government. And without the insurance companies' massive profit margin, huge management payrolls, and impenetrable layers of bureacracy, the citizens will actually save money. I already pay $1200 a year in insurance costs, and that's if nothing happens to me! I'd gladly pay double that if I never had to pay for a necessary operation, procedures, or visit again. Also, this would allow many people who are currently chained to their jobs because of the health insurance to leave. Find a better job, or even start their own business, now that they don't have to worry about their employees' health care.
I am sick of people that forget that the difference between the economy before 911 and the economy after 911 is different for one BIG reason....the war. We're borrowing money from our grandchildren to pay for this war. This war is not "pay as you go". And if it was, who would you tax to pay for it? We've actually *cut* taxes in a time of war! And Republican deregulation of the financial industry (pro-business, right???) is what's killing us now.
I am sick of those that forget that we have not been attacked since 911 on our soil. Haven't forgotten at all. Of course, it was 8 years between the first WTC attack and the second. Have you remembered that Reagan funneled arms and money to Osama Bin Laden all throughout his administration? And that we bribed Pakistan with nuclear-weapons-development aid so we could fund Bin Laden? And have you forgotten that we haven't caught Bin Laden or destroyed his organization, and that the reason for him attacking us (infidel American troops on sacred Islam soil) is still in place?
I am sick of those that forget that Osama supported Gore on the internet Gore invented. Ummm... right. Whatever.
I am sick of those that forget that history repeats itself while reading about Chamberlain and Churchill. Terrorism is not a country, it is a criminal enterprise. There is no Terrorstan to invade, nor is occupying Terroropolis going to stop the war. There is no state to deal with, no army to fight, no navy to sink. Comparing England and Nazi Germany to the US and Al Qaeda is not valid.
I am sick of people voting for a man that won't salute the flag or wear a lapel pin for the troops but wants to be president and the Commander in Chief of those Soldiers. Patriotism comes from within. And when I look at Bush, and Cheney, and DeLay, and Rove, all proudly wearing their little pins and saying how much the flag means to them I can only think of this: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross". Well, they have the flag part down, and just how Uber-Christian is the Republican party again?
I am sick of people that vote for people that worked for a law firm with confirmed communist ties and who take moneyy from the chinese but say "everyone does". Not sure expressly what you mean there, but communism isn't an evil any more, it's just stupid. But the countries that own our national debt are interfering with our politics because they are protecting their investment in America. And isn't that what capitalism is all about?
I am sick of the many defintions of the word "is". Then why did your party pursue it? Clinton's blowjob didn't have anything to do with government process or illegal activities. It wasnt' the Democrats screaming on the radio and TV and newspapers, about semen-stained dresses and oral sex, it was Republicans. Did you punish them at the ballot box in the next election for doing it?
I am sick of Hollywood forgetting that it was once Hollywoodland and nothing more. Ummm... 'kay.
I am sick of the republicans that sellout to big businesses. They worship at the altar of capitalism. What do you expect?
I am sick of those without so much as a highschool diploma telling me what to think and believe. ----'s sick of not knowing more about politics to give two cents. Ummm... right?
I am sick of being made to feel bad if I am pro-war, anti-homosexual marriage (not anit-gay), pro-guns, pro-capitalism, anit-ILLEGAL immigration, anti-taxes, and pro-life. It's been proven again and again that we were deliberately lied into a war and occupation in Iraq, and it's been proven consistantly that, no matter how much Republicans froth and steam about how important it is to "win" in Iraq, they won't draft the necessary number of troops, institute war taxes to pay for it, or nationalize the defense industry to keep them supplied. So what, exactly are you supporting? Continuation of a lie?
Being anti-homosexual marriage is denial of a basic human right. People have the right to marry the one the love. It's a basic, inalienable human right that most states refuse to recognize, which makes them wrong. The states and federal government do not grant rights, they protect them. And they aren't doing that do to some residual Puritan Christian streak in our mentalities.
I'm pro-guns, too. I have them, I like them, and I think my right to have them is protected under the Second, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments.
I'm also pro-capitalism. However, I do recognize that pure capitalism destroys both the free market and representative government. Capitalism needs a dollop of socialism to patch up the holes in it. Much like mixing copper and tin together to make bronze, capitalism with some socialism is much stronger than either one by itself.
I'm anti-illegal immigration, too. I think the ones that are here should be naturalized and made to pay a long-term fine ($520 a year for ten years), then we shut down the border with Mexico and start diversifying our immigrants. There are plenty of people in Africa, Europe, Russia, India, and Asia that would love to come here!
Can't help you with the anti-tax stance. In this country, the states with the highest standard of living also have the highest tax rates. There's a direct correlation between taxes and quality of life. However, if we taxed the rich instead of everybody else, YOUR taxes would be lower!
If in the name of saving life we use the power of government to deny a woman control over her womb, then why don't we use that same power and the same justification to make organ-donation mandatory? How many lives can one brain-dead person save? Two kidneys, two lungs, a heart, a liver, skin grafts, etc. If you're "pro-life", then why aren't you advocating the government controlling everybody's bodies when they're brain-dead?
I am sick of it being a choice. Freedom sucks sometimes, doesn't it?
I am sick of those that commit treason but hide behind the blood of us Soldiers. And THAT'S why we hate BushCo so much!!!!!!
I am sick of people forgetting that the communists said they would destroy us from within. Communism doesn't take root in countries with a strong middle class. When your pro-capitalism ideas destroy the middle class, you're cracking open the door for Communism.
I am sick of people forgetting that like it or not we are a Nation built on Judeo Christian ideals. No, we're a nation full of people raised on Judeo-Christian values. Our government is suppose to reflect secular law.
I am sick of getting carpal tunnel from typing this. Dump Bush, you'll be happier.