I got this nauseating forward from another right wing relative... Just another point of view to consider ! 'You Ain't Gonna Like Losing.' > > Some think President Bush may have made a bad mistake in the war on terrorism, but the mistake was not his decision to go to war in Iraq. Bush's mistake came in his belief that this country is the same one his father fought for in WWII. It is not. > > Back then, they had just come out of a vicious > depression. The country was steeled by the hardship of > that depression, but they still believed fervently in > this country. They knew that the people had elected > their leaders, so it was the people's duty to back > those leaders. > > Therefore, when the war broke out, the people came > together, rallied behind, and stuck with their > leaders, whether they had voted for them or not or > whether the war was going badly or not. > > And war was just as distasteful and the anguish just > as great then as it is today. Often there were more > casualties in one day in WWII than we have had in the > entire Iraq war! But that did not matter. The people > stuck with the President because they loved their > country. Americans put aside their differences in WWII > and worked together to win that war. > > Everyone from every strata of society, from young to > old pitched in. Small children pulled little wagons > around to gather scrap metal for the war effort. Grade > school students saved their pennies to buy stamps for > war bonds to help the effort. Men who were too old or > medically 4F lied about their age or condition trying > their best to join the military. Women doubled their > work to keep things going at home. Harsh rationing of > everything from gasoline to soap, to butter was > imposed, yet there was very little complaining. > > You never heard prominent people on the radio > belittling the President. Interestingly enough, in > those days there were no fat cat actors and > entertainers who ran off to visit and fawn over > dictators of hostile countries and complain to them > about our President. Instead, they made upbeat films > and entertained our troops to help the troops' morale. > A bunch even enlisted (i.e., Jimmy Stewart, Clark > Gable, Lee Marvin, Audie Murphy, Charles Bronson, Art > Carney, Charles Durning, et al] and some even died ! > And imagine this: Teachers in schools actually started > the day off with a Pledge of Allegiance, and with > prayers for our country and our troops! > > Back then, no newspaper (i.e. not even the infamous > NY Times) or radio broadcaster would have dared point > out certain weak spots in our cities where bombs could > be set off to cause the maximum damage. No news media > would have dared complain about what we were doing to > catch spies. A newspaper would have been laughed out > of existence if it had complained that German or > Japanese soldiers were being 'tortured' by being > forced to wear women's pink underwear, or subjected to > standing on a box, or being scared by a dog or did not > have air conditioning. > > There were a lot of things different back then. We > were not subjected to a constant bombardment of > pornography, perversion and promiscuity in movies or > on radio. We did not have legions of crackheads, dope > pushers and armed gangs roaming our streets. We > remembered - and children were taught - who the heroes > of our country were; from Washington, Jefferson and > Adams to Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley and every > single soldier in uniform. There weren't countless > House Committees that would have even considered > hauling the military leaders before them to justify > either their plans or the cost of our freedom. Or, as > today, Berkeley City Councils attempting to kick our > troops out of their city. > > No, President Bush did not make a mistake in his > handling of terrorism. He made the mistake of > believing that we still had the courage and fortitude > of our fathers. He believed that this was still the > country that our fathers fought so dearly to preserve. > It is not the same country. > It is now a cross between Sodom and Gomorrah and the > land of Oz. We did unite for a short while after 9/11. > However, our attitude changed when we found out that > defending our country would require sacrifices - from > doing without the latest techno toy to the ultimate > sacrifice, trying to go on after losing a beloved > husband, mother, father, brother or sister. > > So, no matter what anyone with an anti-war agenda > tells you, we are all in great danger! Every last one > of us. And we will be for generations and ages to > come. This is, without a doubt, a clash of > civilizations, and the terrorists are a bunch of > eternally committed, fanatic Muslims. They believe > that they are commanded by the Koran and their > so-called "Allah" - thus it is their duty - to kill > anyone who will not convert to Islam. It has been > estimated that about one third or over three hundred > million of the world's Muslims are sympathetic to the > terrorists cause. To put that into perspective, Hitler > and Tojo combined did not have nearly that many > potential recruits. > > So...we either win it - or lose it - and you ain't > gonna like losing!
--------------------------------------------------- Here's my response...what do you guys think? Should I send it? Interesting, seeing that President Bush and Vice President Cheny had "other committments" during another fiasco..Vietnam. President Bush never asked this nation to sacrifice like FDR did during WWII. What were we told to do after 9/11? And I quote President Bush "I encourage you all to go shopping more". So instead of asking for sacrifice on this "war on terror", we were told to go blow more money on plasma TV's and subprime mortgages. And this persistent comparison of WWII to the occupation in Iraq is truly distasteful. We were attacked by Japan before WWII, and there was a major threat to our existence from the Axis powers. Saddam was 2 bit dictator who was well contained and NEVER ATTACKED US! And unlike WWII (where there was a DRAFT), President Bush has never addressed the nation to plead for more volunteers for the Armed Forces. So what does the Army have to do? Increase the age limit on enlistment and reduce standards broadly, to include accepting convicted felons. And I would take issue with the notion that today's celebrities don't support the troops. When I was deployed in Iraq, and there were tons of USO sponsored events with tons of celebrities. So that comparison is just way off. As for torture, remember WE PROSECUTED Japanese soldiers who waterboarded US servicemen. So this whole idea that we accepted torture in WWII is just plain historically false. And by the way, what do crack heads and pornography have to do with this debate at all? Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Let's stop pretending the struggle in Iraq is battle for national survival. It's an occupation that is creating more enemies than it destroys, and it bankrupting this country.