... What do McCain and Lieberman have in common? The deep devotion to a permanent U.S. occupation of Iraq, at a time when 70% of Americans want to get out in 2008.
When McCain gets clobbered in the Republican primaries, he should carry on his campaign by forming a 3rd Party with Lieberman - the Iraq4Ever Losers Party.
In the meantime, this is a wonderful clarifying event for anyone who believed Lieberman's empty promises of fealty to the Democratic Party that he betrayed by running as an independent against Ned Lamont after Connecticut's Democratic voters chose Lamont in the primary. As Ari Melber writes,
During his 2006 reelection campaign, Lieberman emphasized that he would support Democratic candidates in 2008. "I want Democrats to be back in the majority in Washington and elect a Democratic president in 2008," he said during a televised debate in July. Lieberman promptly backtracked after his reelection, announcing this January that he was "open" to supporting a Republican or Democrat for president, depending "on a whole range of issues." By not even waiting to see who the Democrats nominate, now Lieberman is revealing that the issues aren't important to him. ...