On the Aug 24 edition of the Pat Dollard 'Jihadikiller Hour' radio show, the guest host and callers, several of whom are ex-military, talk about killing Biden and Obama.
The Pat Dollard website is at
http://www.patdollard.com The show can be downloaded from blog talk radio, here:
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stations/HeadingRight/welshThe conversation starts off with normal talk radio coverage of the DNC convention. But after 22 minutes and 50 seconds, a caller starts talking of a coming 'civil war', saying 'who has the guns and knows how to use them?', to which the host replies 'We do'. The caller starts talking about Obama's 'infanticide' vote on an Illinois state legislature abortion bill. The caller says "I never really hated Obama, until that . . . . when I heard about that, I wanted to kill him". The host, nicknamed 'bash' or 'bashman', goes on to call Obama 'Barack Insane Obama the fucking baby killer', and calls his actions 'evil evil evil, fucking evil'.
At 27 minutes and 38 seconds another caller, named 'TeeBag', phones in. When asked what he thinks of Biden, he says 'I want to assassinate him, right with Obama . . . If anybody has a plan, I'll buy the bullets." The host goes on to say "
you put him in the class of jihadis . . . then it's not wrong to wish him dead, right?"
The caller says "If anybody pulls it off, I wouldn't call them crazy, I'd call them a hero". The host replies "So would I. He'd become a hero and he knows it. There's gotta be somebody out there with a hero complex. . . . ready to make . . . his mark in history."