Of course there were insufficient indications, and no reason to take any preventative action on this issue, during 8 years of Republican administration. (See my article on that, as to failure of responsibility.)
An eight year walk along the tracks, down the tunnel of American (capitalist free enterprise) love, and suddenly at the end of it the speeding freight train smacks right into the oval office.
Sure, we all "believe" that scenario is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Possible explanations ?
My article avoids going into conjectural theorizing about why. That's an investigative role. Facts need to be found out as to why and how, as well as to decide who is really responsible for the mess.
However, here we can play with ideas a bit more and consider what "might be" without knowing those facts.
a). Might be that economic intelligence just simply was not up to it. It wasn't able to see through the board room walls, and into the CEOs and controller's offices. Neither was it able to see into the audits that are routinely performed. No, couldn't see what was going on and thus no analysis as to what would happen.
How believable is that ? Eight years of blind faith and false analysis on the economic frontier ? And you know they call the CIA "the company" don't you ? So that applies to foreign economics also. Blind as bats, we all are. Can't use that xray vision. Superman must have swallowed kryptonite. Sure. Let's leave all that credulity for the comic books.
b). Might be that the executive branch of government was told by intelligence, and ignored it. They simply didn't believe the intelligence and decided policy accordingly. Faith is better than facts when you are the president of the world's most powerful economy and want to push your system of economics over on the entire world community, isn't it ? Have faith in American (capitalist) love. Never mind how dark the tunnel is. Never mind that the ground is vibrating and there is a deafening noise and a blinding light headed right at us at an incredible rate of speed. Never mind. It's like belief in Jesus. Believe in the economy and you will get through the tunnel unharmed. Well, even a die hard fundamentalist revivalist Baptist preacher would not be THAT naive. Far from it. Even he knows calling on Jesus will not save the economy. That's more that other guy's work. Enough of that. We just can't believe in the executive branch anymore, and much less their ideas about the economy.
c). Might be there is a conspiracy between intelligence and the oval office. Hush, hush, let's not tell anyone how bad it really is and how bad it is going to be. Motives ? Well, that would be up to criminal investigation to find out. We really don't want to step across that police line. We can only wonder if the yellow "do not cross police line" tape has been placed all the way around the Treasury and the White House as of yet. Any minute ? That too would be a bit much to believe, but it is a bit more credible as purely speculative theory. Maybe because Americans love conspiracy theories best of all and it would make a good movie afterwards, if anyone is left to make it, assuming there is a recovery.
d). Might be that there is a conspircy to empty the government coffers as much as possible, to as many corporate and fiscal beneficiaries of Republican welfare, as is possible as late in the administration's game plan as possible. In the last day if they can pull it off. A month or two is pretty good timing. Why ? Well that would be to fiscally cripple up the next administration and render them the victim while the beneficiaries and the departing administration have the last laugh. Again, if that scenario were the truth, we should see the police tape around the Treasury, the Oval Office, and a lot of financial and corporate head offices at any minute. After all we want to know who this mafia is that is emptying the United States treasury at the sudden and rapid rate that is actually taking place. We might contemplate some sort of fiscal vampirism and that the money vampires can't help it. They rise from their crypts every so often, like zombies crying for brains to eat, needing to devour large amounts of currency from the mint. Their real envy is to get into Fort Knox and eat up the gold reserve there, but that might get them a stake through their vampiric hearts and back into the grave unfed. So they restrain their appetite a little, hoping for more currency.
Any other possible scenarios ?
I am sure we could come up with some other stories that would make great conspiracy debates that would last into the next century, and provide fodder for a dozen or more box office hit films somewhere down the long road to economic hell. Maybe that is the stimulus plan. That is big business. The conspiracy business.
On the other hand, it is serious, and all of the joking and conspiracy theorizing aside, someone has done something awefully and completely wrong, while in power, and in control over the largest, most powerful, most persuasive, and most arm twisting, economic system and economy on Earth. Something so wrong that the lid is coming completely off and we need to see yellow police tape around certain landmark legislative locations in Washington. Before the outgoing Republicans shred everything the way the KGB tried to do when they left Moscow.
Robert Morpheal