Now that George W. Bush is no longer President it is officially possible, morally sound and overwhelmingly popular to call the presidency of Dubya a complete and utter failure. A dismal and deceptive chapter in the great American story. Let’s reduce the 22% approval rating to 5%. Figuring that 5% of the nation are kooks anyway. Let Bush remain as “King of the Kooks.”
With nearly ten million people dislocated from their homes in Afghanistan (4.5) and Iraq (5.5) and another million dead including some 4,300 Americans and over 500,000 wounded, including some 40,000 Americans; in two wars that were improperly planned and executed—one illegal under international law; it is alright to let him be charged with war crimes and allow civilian courts to allow monetary claims against any member of his family who has seizable assets. Perhaps he can be required to cover the estimated $3 trillion dollars of the Iraq War and Occupation.
The OFFICIAL LEGACY for the history textbooks is:
- Bush is a contender for worst President and maybe in the top twenty of the worse world leaders ever.
It is alright to hate him and to demand justice and that the ‘Rule of Law’ be followed.
It is alright to call him a lousy president.
It is also alright for the religious right to no longer officially worship him as a deity or to admit that he may not have had divine inspiration for his decisions. That being a War President isn’t the morally right thing to do and we are not on a crusade against islamo-facists.
It is not alright to wish him dead or to interfere with his daily activities in civilian life by protesting outside his family compound. It is not alright to take financial penalties against SMU where the Presidential library is located. It is not alright to erase Crawford, Texas off of any of your maps.
We need to move forward.
But we need to remember. Never forget how bad it was.
We need to officially realize that the eight years of the Bush Administration were: the most corrupt in American History since 1900; were very ineffective and resulted in almost complete failure; and were filled with ineptness and cronyism. Wrong at every turn, right about nothing, a loser when there was nothing ventured, unluckier than anyone else; Bush is the code word for ‘zero’, ‘nada’ and other four letter words. A waste of good oxygen.
We need to investigate and document the shortcomings, and teach our children about it. No MBA in the Whitehouse should ever follow this example once more. Never go down this road again. It may actually require exiling the Bush Family. These genes and presidential actions should never mix again. No Jeb or George P. Make Neil Bush pay back the billion dollars he stole from the Savings and Loan Scandal and the millions that Prescott Bush made for the Nazis.
Pardon George W. to save money if you must and to focus the country on the economy. But in the pardon state that “by accepting the pardon you are admitting to crimes committed against the country and the world.” Ask him to sign an acceptance signature block in the pardon. You can even put in there that personal financial claims against Bush for his actions are not pursuable in American courts of law; as an incentive to get his signature. But record for history---that this man is not worthy of the title: “Mr. President”---anymore.
Restoring the Rightful Historical Record
Karl Rove, political boy genius or turd blossom as Dubya likes to call him, resigned from the Bush Administration to work on the legacy of one George W. Bush. Over a half billion dollars has been pledged to start the Bush Library at Southern Methodist University in College Station, Texas. Rove’s new assignment is to work on rewriting history to portray Bush as an effective and inspirational leader; instead of being the worst President in History as we should all know him today.
A class action lawsuit should be started to seek an injunction from breaking ground and spending any money from the Bush Foundation. The funds should then seized to compensate families of GIs that have lost children in the internationally illegal Iraq War started by G.W. Bush. Charges should be filed against Bush and Cheney seeking to pursue them as war criminals.
A small million dollar federal prison facility can be built at SMU from which Karl Rove Dubya and Cheney can give daily press interviews about their legacy and new philosophy if anyone will come.
Church of the Killers of Innocent Iraqi Civilians (I attend there with its creator G.W. Bush, an un-prosecuted war criminal).
RESOURCES: The Bush Presidency
Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War
by Michael Isikoff and David Corn
The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina
By Frank Rich
The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11
By Ron Suskind
Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone
By Rajiv Chandrasekaran
The Ground Truth by Patrick Foulkrod
A powerful documentary spotlighting American soldiers sharing their experiences on the battlefield in Iraq and back home as they try to reassemble their lives.
Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program
By Stephen Grey
Guantánamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power
By Joseph Margulies
Oath Betrayed: Military Medicine and the War on Terror
By Steven H. Miles
Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights
by Trevor Paglen and A. C. Thompson
Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib
by Karen J. Greenberg and Joshua L. Dratel
The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast
by Douglas G. Brinkley
The Storm: What Went Wrong and Why During Hurricane Katrina -- The Inside Story from One Louisiana Scientist
by Mike Bryan and Ivor Van Heerden
Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of a Great American City
By Jed Horne
1 dead in attic by Chris Rose