... TMZ reported that Prejean sent an e-mail to Keith Lewis, co-director for the Miss California USA pageant, saying, "This was when I was 17 years old. I was a minor. It was when I was first getting into the modeling world, being naive, and young. I shouldnt (sic) have taken the photo of me in my underwear. There are no other photos of me. This was the only one I took." But on Wednesday, pageant officials learned that at least three other racy pics exist ...
http://www.kansascity.com/932/story/1183089.htmlAmid the confusion of the great moral train-wreck that is early 21st century American conservativism, one listens for any signs of a coherent worldview. Although the conservative movement once defined itself by themes such as child pornography, we hear nary a complaint about these nekkid child pictures. The people, who not long ago were warning us about the possibility that the pregnant woman on the bus might really be a suicide bomber, for some reason are not now speculating about the possibility that Miss California's new bust might be packed with plastique. Meanwhile, as the wingnuts blather about a great gay conspiracy, apparently visible only to them, officials (for the pageant that paid for her inserts) find themselves Shocked! Shocked!
by the possibility that more meat-market photos exist