After Years of Smears on Dr. Tiller's Life, O'Reilly Complains There's Too Much Media Coverage of His Death
Reported by Ellen - June 11, 2009 -
Guest blogged by Julie
On last night's (6/10/09) O'Reilly Factor, in the Factor Follow-up, Bill O'Reilly ... whined about the media blitz on the Dr. George Tiller murder ...
... let me see if I have this straight. Prior to the murder of Kansas late-term abortion doctor, George Tiller, Bill O'Reilly had covered “Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer” on at least 29 segments since 2005. Sound a little like a media blitz? It was – especially considering that Tiller's only newsworthiness was the fact that, as a physician performing late-term abortions, his actions ramped up abortion debates and ran contrary to The Christian Right Network Fox News' and O'Reilly's generally anti-abortion stance (though not contrary, it's important to note, to the laws of Kansas) ...