By Alex Koppelman
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 16:35 EDT
When last we met World Net Daily columnist Janet Porter, she was passing along an e-mail that supposedly related a 1992 conversation indicating that President Obama was a Soviet mole, then being groomed to continue the Communists' work. Before that, Porter -- who served as co-chair of Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign's Faith and Values Coalition -- was warning Christians that anyone who voted for Obama over John McCain risked eternity in Hell. Before that, it was anyone who voted for McCain over Huckabee who was treading perilously close to damnation ...
And now she's organizing the How to Take Back America Conference, which is happening in St. Louis this weekend -- the column is largely an advertisement for it ... Porter is co-chair of the conference, along with Phyllis Schlafly. The host committee includes WND Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah, who's done more than anyone, with the possible exception of Orly Taitz, to keep the Birther flame alive ... True, the really big stars of the Republican Party aren't among the names, but it's not a list of pikers, either. Huckabee came surprisingly close to capturing the GOP's presidential nomination last year, Price chairs the Republican Study Committee, which is the House's conservative caucus, and Bachmann, Franks and King are fairly high-profile as well.
You might think that these people would be embarrassed to attend a conference co-chaired by Porter, given her writings. Certainly it'd be fair to expect at least a little hesitation on the part of senior members of the House GOP about a conference with workshops like "How to recognize living under Nazis & Communists" ...
Not so, obviously ...