Published: November 14th, 2009 07:07 PM
Last Modified: November 14th, 2009 07:07 PM
Alaska state government is bruising, if not breaking, the law by failing to release in a timely fashion Palin administration e-mails and other information sought under the state public records law ...
The administration, for example, wanted to charge the Associated Press $45 million (that's million with an "m") for its requests, and it wanted $15 million apiece from other news agencies -- in many cases for essentially the same information ...
Open records are anathema to any government, including ours. Laws guaranteeing access were designed to protect us schmoes from tyrants and outright crooks who find it ever so much easier to work in the shadows.
Finding ways to circumvent those laws --and avoiding embarrassment and ugly headlines -- is just a grim reality of government, and Alaska, unfortunately, has settled upon what appears to be a successful and winning strategy. Government drags its feet, makes costs prohibitive, and then makes you wait, hoping you will go away ...