Trying to find a place where you can actually have a sane and civil conversation on the net is problematic for it.
I'm not surprised, but saddened. Its all over the place. The real question is to what degree it actually lives here, or in side each of us.
To be un-ignorant requires real self education. How many of us bother with that? How many of us just run on our team side and repeat what our team leaders say without fact checking?
The difference between the repubs and the dems on this is that the repubs are chronic habitual liars, and their pawns are thus completely unclued.
But a reality test which I am sure I will very soon be trying is to determine how big that problem is HERE.?
If I start providing depth science information, how long until democratic underground kicks me off?
It happens everywhere else, and for the same reasons. The left and the right are very different, but they are both controlled by keeping basic facts from the public. The right lies to do this, the left just practices message control by removing actual science and scientists from internet boards or the room they are talking in.
I just got done one round with newsvine. They deleted my account without cause for providing depth science fact information inconvenient to having the argument- IE, bad for BOTH "sides". Their inability to send me a notice or answer my querries proves it, they know it full well. They are maintaining ignorance on purpose because thats what makes for good drama, and for people expressing their ignorant opinions.
Having an expert actually explain why theres nothing to argue about isn't something they are interested in. In reverse of their claims, they are all about intentional stupid.
Questions is an orwellian ochliocracy. Fact checking is not done, people end up being voted best answer when they have answers that are just plain wrong.
Yahoo didn't solve the problems going in for managing mass intelligence, so they ended up managing mass stupid.
We live in an anti intellectual society, thats how the usa goes to hell in the handbasket.