been Banned from three forums bashing Neo Cons, a friend told me of this web site. Now I will not throw first stone at particular persn but a at BUSHIES per say, when I turn the other cheek, you probally won't like what I you Neo Cons tell you can do with it...
not real fond of Deather Birther or Tea Partiers or deniers so we get off too proper start...
now I know, web site needs work, but is only so many hours in a day... besides listening to dip not now Hawaii is 50th state, he does provide a need for edycation...
tired now, be back sometime soon. look forward to seing you... display needs. As I know there is many as Bush was President for 8 years.
in Case NUMB CHUCK logs in got a message for him;
Chuck Norris star of many b quality movies and childrens Tv shows. Yesterday brought religion into abortion issue of debate on Roe V Wade as I can only assume his sponsor Huckabee thot that'd be a wise thing to do.
Numb Chuck Norris imposed the doubt of if Mary Christ the mother of Jesus Christ wanted and abortion. First NUMB CHUCK I DO believe MARY was in love with Joesph, secondly I don't think MARY felt raped by evil degenerate that'd needed locked up. Thou we do know of those will parole those without sufficent investigation into physcological mental being.
Most of all NUMB CHUCK NORRIS, Roe V Wade was written for those that might want to seek and abortion, and not be afraid to seek help without being appressed, after your latest response on this topic, I doubt if many ladies be asking you for advice on anything that takes sensitivity and understanding.
Numb Chuck Norris if I was to send you a photo on day before your marriage of man standing in doorway of farmhouse staring at his favorite pig, what might I be suggesting. Thou I'm sure you've stared plenty at those Texas Stranger scripts. So you wanta be huckster too, with base, Good LUCK !
ps Numb Chuck, I don't have to forgive you as you think you know what you do !
World Wide Web Shoes with Socks.