Why bother tackling America's real problems when you can stoke paranoid delusions over Obama's birth certificate?
o Jennifer Abel
o guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 8 December 2009 13.00 GMT
... Just when I started hoping Orly Taitz and her factually challenged followers were fading from public memory, the Mooseburger Barbie added her lumbering mass to the "birther" bandwagon momentum. On the Rusty Humphries show last week, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate said of the quasi-controversy surrounding Obama's birth certificate: "I think the public rightly is still making it an issue … I think it's a fair question just like I think past associations and past voting records."
Such idiocy isn't unique to Palin or even the right wing; it's a symptom of a more serious illness infecting America's body politic. Too many people on both ends of the political spectrum ignore actual issues to focus on conspiratorial jackassery. Bush and Cheney spent eight years shredding the constitution, yet their main detractors ignored this to weave a vast conspiracy wherein Osama bin Laden brought down the World Trade Centre on Bush's orders so the latter could invade Iraq after stupidly planting fake evidence implicating not Iraqis but Saudi Arabians.
Then Obama ran for president on promises to repair Bush's constitutional damage, got elected, and continued his predecessor's worst offences while piling on more of his own. So what's his opposition doing? Blathering over birth certificates and his middle name: Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Why do my compatriots ignore our country's real problems to fight vapours instead? It's not just the presidential conspiracies: there's the obsession with stopping gay marriage, off-and-on flag-burning panic, the goodness-graciousing over drugs, porn and teen sexuality, and the potentially deadly anti-vaccine hysteria ...