Orange County Newsmaker of the Year, Birther Queen, Attorney, and Dentist Orly Taitz says it is time to begin our armed rebellion! But her former lover says she is treacherous!
First, Orly is outraged that Senator Max Baucus was drunk on the floor of the Senate while 25 terrorists sought to blow up our crotches on airplanes.
What's that? You missed the "Max Baucus was drunk" story? That was a fun one in which someone took a clip of Baucus talking on the floor of the senate and retitled it "Senator Max Baucus Drunk/Intoxicated on the Senate Floor" and Drudge linked to it, because apparently he was in his New Years "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" mode and then it was picked up by actual newspapers and supposedly legitimate news sites across the web, because why not? Who cares! You can literally write any old thing you want, and you needn't even bother to pretend to try to support it with anything, and if certain people are in the mood, it will get picked up. It is now part of the semi-official mythology of the right, by the way, that Max Baucus was drunk, or is drunk all the time, while speaking on the floor of the Senate, because he kinda talks funny. It is insane! Anyway. Back to Orly! ...