This idea was hatched on Birfer web sites, particularly the nutty American Grand Jury. This is a link to the call for Operation “FLOOD IT”: will all call (888) 727-2325 and demand to know:
Why there are pending lawsuits in the courts and Fox news is not talking about them?
Why have the lawyers and plaintiffs never appeared ONCE on Fox News?
Why is Fox News protecting Obama with this issue?
Why did Fox News hide this story PRIOR to the 2008 election?
Why are the Fox viewers not being kept up to date on the pending lawsuits and questions regarding Obama’s ineligibility?
Why is the name Barry Soetoro never mentioned on Beck’s show?
Is it Murdoch or the Saudi Prince that banned this topic from Fox news?
Did they threaten all Fox news personalities that this issue is not to be mentioned on Fox news and OFF as well? This explains why the blackout has reached Hannity and Becks radio show.
What is everyone in a panic for? They all claim Obama is eligible, then this really is an open and shut case…right? or is it?
This is the issue that can throw Obama aka Barry Soetoro into jail.
This is the issue that could implode the Democrat party, because many powerful people are possibly also involved in this massive cover up. Many Americans that voted for Obama, would feel betrayed and they will walk away from the Democrat party FOREVER.
This is the issue that could bring down the 1st African-American president and the left are protecting him with everything they got. Obama has betrayed the African American people, because he has allowed this black cloud to ruin a historic moment.