Conservatives say they fear government intrusion into their lives, but seem oblivious to the fact that our culture is under constant attack by corporate intrusions. Conservatives say they don't trust government, but they trust government to start wars, even if the war is against countries which never threatened us. Conservatives trust the government to go to war and bomb people, trust government to spy on people, trust the government to incarcerate people indefinitely without charges, trust government to torture people, trust government to arrest people without warrants, trust government to use secret wiretaps on American citizens, trust government to execute people, even though hundreds of innocent people have been exonerated through DNA and released.
It is baffling how conservatives can TRUST government to kill, imprison, spy, maim, destroy and torture, but not trust government to help heal those who are sick? While they have an almost irrational fear of the government, they have unlimited amount of respect and admiration for government when it is acting ruthlessly against human being. Conservatives also have a blind allegiance to businesses and corporate leaders. They seem to believe corporations will always act in the best interests of human beings, forgetting that almost any corporate leader will succumb to the same greed as the Ken Lays and Bernie Madoffs of the business world.
Why do conservatives blindly support and trust business leaders who make all of their decisions based on extracting as much money from people as possible? Do they really believe an insurance executive will act with the best interests of a patient in mind? Do they really believe they will sacrifice a dollar in salary or dent their million dollar bonuses to treat a sick or dying person? Do they really believe business leaders are 'gods' to be worshipped? Right wing conservatives somehow look at capitalism as a religion with corporate leaders as its disciples. Their faith is in profits, while attacking people who dare speak out against their 'gods'.
There are no amount of words in any language strong enough to dent the impenetrable wall right wing conservatives have erected. It is heavily fortified with the steady stream of verbal hatred, anger, fear, and yes, even racism that spews forth from the dishonest people on talk radio or Fox News. Those who listen to these forums of hate and propaganda do so without question, without thought, and certainly without verificiation.
Throughout our nation's history radical organizations like the KKK, John Birch Society and countless right wing militia groups have been able to manipulate fringe elements in society enticing them with talk of 'family values', 'christianity', 'anti-immigration', 'patriotism', and the like, but each time such organizations ultimately fail, because hatred cannot sustain itself for extended periods of time, no matter how heavily it is cloaked with illusionary ideals.
I feel confident the current right wing conservative extremism which has infected the minds and hearts of so many will one day fade, but how many additional lives will be sacrificed in its deadly wake. Conservatives must silently cheer on as each of the 45,000 Americans die each year because of lack of access to health care. I wonder how conservatives would react if terrorists were killing 45,000 Americans each year? They willingly spent trillions to avenge the deaths of less than 3,000 Americans on 9/11, even clamoring to go to war against a country which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks and which posed zero threat to the United States. Given their propensity of using violence toward those who seek to harm Americans, why aren't conservatives taking up arms and condemning the corporate insurance terrorists who are essentially murdering 45,000 Americans each year?
Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda used planes as weapons to kill, while corrupt and evil insurance companies use lobbyists, government prostitutes (republican congressmen), and laws written by the insurance industry to kill 15 times the number of Americans who died on 9/11 each year. And since 9/11, the current corrupt health care system created by the soulless insurance industry, is responsible for killing more than 1,350 times the number of Americans lost on 9/11. So far, over 400,000 uninsured Americans have died at the hands of the soulless insurance industry since terrorists attacked us on September 11, 2001. Conservatives are still justifiably outraged at those who killed the 3,000 9/11 victims, but they are defending the deliberate acts committed by insurance terrorists against 400,000 of their fellow Americans. Just what is the difference between Osama bin Laden, the 'CEO' of Al Qaeda, and the CEOs of the insurance companies in the United States. Both are killing innocent Americans. Both are sociopaths. Both only care about the means to achieving their evil ends. But in an ironic twist, at least Bin Laden is acting out of a demonic sense of hatred to achieve his goals, while insurance executives are killing purely for profit. That makes their crimes against humanity even more vile, despicable and unconscionable than the evil acts committed by Osama Bin Laden.
Where is the conservative outrage against Al Qaeda-like insurance industry? Why are they defending the abusers? Conservatives live in a dark, evil, soulless place where compassion, empathy or concern for their fellow man is non-existent. They live in a world of revenge, hatred, racism, fear, rage, torture, war, executions and destruction. They embrace all things which harm people, but are against any government measures which will help human beings. They always side with the rich and powerful, while condemning the vulnerable, the defenseless and the sick, constantly blaming the victims of abuse, and cheering on the perpetrators.
God help spare us from the evil which lurks in the dark recesses of a typical conservative extremist.