Giving thanks on Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day. Many people around the country are following the republicanist script of honoring our veterans. As someone who has believed that the existence of the US Military has only exacerbated problems around the world with our republicanist chest beating, I would like to give thanks to the appropriate individuals and organizations, along with imagery that goes hand in hand with such thanks.
Thank you, George Bush, for your decision to destroy this little boy’s life.
Thank you, Dick Cheney, for your unending need to exploit the military to create millions of dollars of blood money for you and your cronies.
Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, for your blistering, unending orgiastic desire to destroy humans for the purpose of filling up your own coffers.
Thank you, Glen Beck, for spouting your brand of tea-party nonsense to support the military that promotes the genocide of non-republicanist freedom seekers.
Thank you, Sarah Palin, for frivoulously exerting your ignorance of geography into a mindset of orgiastic military destruction that your moose-killing minions are certainly proud of.
Happy Memorial day, one and all. Brought to you and paid for by Halliburton, BP, and the American Nuclear/Oil/Coal industry consortium. We are the republican party and we approve this message.