In his latest column, pop singer turned Tea Party patriot and Christian conservative champion Pat Boone
complains about immoral TV shows like
Bleep My Dad Says and
The Hard Times of R.J. Berger.
Maybe Boone should actually read the rest of the website that publishes his column. Apparently Boone has no problem associating with a gutter website that publishes non-stop brain-damaging garbage:
- WND Books and the Western Journalism Center published a book titled
The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein Obama Should Be Impeached to Save America that is a "thin, coloring book-sized tome -- 50 pages of large, widely spaced type that WND is selling for $19.95" and yet
full of lies.
- David Kupelian, the managing editor of WND, recently wrote a WND book titled
The Marketing of Evil, also
full of >. That book to me sounds a lot more evil that CBS's new sitcom Bleep My Dad Says that's supposedly corrupting our morals and poisoning our children's minds.
- WND has advocated rolling back immigration laws to the 1920s, and back then those laws were based on racism and eugenics, such as letting in more Western European immmigrants than those from other regions.
- Also
baseless, unscientific fearmongering about vaccines. So lemme get this straight: raunchy TV is worse than not getting vaccinated? :jawdrop:
And many more examples at
conwebblog and
other articles about conwebwatch.