From the outside, the Tea Party movement appears to be powerfully united despite its amorphous and slightly anarchic nature. But behind the impressive facade it is riven by rivalries and conflicting agendas.
Two of the most high-profile and influential female leaders of the movement are in legal dispute. The bitter lawsuit has been running for a year, although the protagonists appear to have much more in common with each other than in contrast.
Amy Kremer, who chairs the Tea Party Express, and Jenny Beth Martin, national co-ordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, both come from Atlanta, Georgia. They are both touring the US on separate battle buses rallying the conservative troops ahead of next Tuesday's midterm elections.
They were both present at the creation of the Patriots, an umbrella organisation that acts as a social network for up to 2,800 loosely affiliated local Tea Parties. Kremer says the Patriots were founded in her living room at home in suburban Atlanta.
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