Want to know what I think of Conservatism?
Conservatives believe that the Government should not help the poor. A Government that helps its people is the kind of Government we need. Conservatives say its takeing away freedoms, but it is really giveing more freedoms to those who are very poor. The poor live horrible lives with all the crime and poverty, you cannot raise a family off of minimum wage, and its not always easy to get a job. Its very easy to get yourself killed. Because the poor areas get such bad education, its extremely hard for them to get out of that position, contrary to what Conservatives say. They should not be forced to live like this, the Government should help these poor people. The filthy rich don't use nearly all their money, they can afford a Leftist Government and stay rich. How ever, Conservatives reject any idea that would help out these suffering people. Conservatives believe the poor are just a bunch of lazy bumbs. This is not true, its hard to work your way out of the rat hole. Conservatives don't want the wealthy to pay a dime to help these people. As the poor suffer in life, Conservatives yell out "Communist!" to anyone who speaks out against what we are letting these people go through .
The Environment is in danger. As industry rapes our Earth of its beauty. Conservatives call anybody who speaks against the destruction of the environment "dumbass environmental hippies". Conservatives don't care that millions of acres of beautiful forests are being chopped down every breath you take. How heartless can people get? They think that extra money for wealthy business is more important than the forests which are home for many animals! Humans should not be given the right to tear down our Environment and murder millions of animals and even cause extinction. We should protect what remains of our planet for our future generations. Conservatives however say otherwise. How heartless can people be, to believe that we should rip our planet and kill animals that get in our way so wealthy industries can get even richer? Its unfortunate that nearly half(if not more) of Americans don't give a rats ass about our Environment, which me and many other Liberals charish.
Forests aren't the only issue however. Conservatives(George W. Bush being more specific) don't want to research renewable and cleaner energy. Oil is limited and mineing it and useing it is slowing destroying our planet. We should use sources of energy that are more abuntant(sp?). Conservatives however don't care about better sources of energy and they continue to purchase tanking SUVs that guzzle up gas like a monster.
Social Views
Conservatives can be very heartless when it comes to these views. Many Conservatives believe that homosexuals, minorities, and sometimes even women, are inferior beings of life. That is clearly speaking out Nazism. People should be treated equally. White Male Christians should not get special and better treatment than everybody else. Homosexuals should not be prevented from getting married because they are people to and should be treated fairly. Many Conservatives however think Homosexuals are evil. Homophobia is just like Racism. I don't know if I gave this Paragraph that correct title but oh well....
Cosnervatives are often intolerant of other ethnics and beliefs. Conservatives spew out tons of hate towards people who have different views than they do. Conservatives call Liberals "Worthless Communists!"
http://www.avoiceofone.com/mt/archives/000026.html . Conservatives say Liberals are the most undereducated people in the world, even though Liberals are clearly the more educated. Conservatives are arrogant and act like they are soooo smart, even thought they are usually just a bunch of mindless sheep. Conservatives say Liberals are immature and need to grow up. However its Conservatives who act like children. We Liberals are the more mature. Most Conservatives are just so stuck-up and hateful its sickens me.
http://www.sovietinvasionplan.com/archives/000493.htmlWhy don't Conservatives leave and start their own Christian based Capitalist country somewhere else and leave us alone. I hate having hear and read shit Conservatives keep saying, they are a bunch of mindless hateful idiots who are more annoying than bugs can even dream of being!