The policy of attack first and invasion means the heavy reliance and use of the Military not only as a offensice Weapon but as a Police Force for new territories gained.
This reliance means that an already stretched military and solderiery has to do more military and have less. In order to keep on invading and conquering territory for "their" intrest, the United States will need a larger military. Since are military is volunter, only so many people will join. In this case more American citiszens will be needed, since their plan to "use" the international community as a "psuedo" mercenary force was dead on arrival since they made their true motives apparent on the rush to invade Iraq and secure long-term strategic influence in the region and control over oil resources and wealth.
Since illegal immigration is already high, and as well as the constant out-sourcing of American jobs to other countries, so Multi-national corporations can pay cheaper wages, this leaves less americans with a steady, or at least realiable and livable source of income (much like the dynamic of romes us eof cheap slave labor before their republic fell). This dynamic will make it more likely that more (younger) Americans and non-citisenz will join th armed forces for monetary gain, thus giving the military more human assets, but at the same time destorying the middle class.
The deficet is a ploy used to cut most government spending for social programs and to keep taxes more equal, Gorver Norquist is the leader of this, less democracy and power for the middle and poor ,means more power for the PNAC since their plan is dictorial in nature.
The PNAC and the Grover Norquist types are feeding off each others lust for their agenda.
Thank you neo-conservative and Republican lurkers, and brainwashed whores, a good many of you are traitors and don't know it, you have doomed yourself and us all to the fate of the Roman Republic. You help a very small group of very rich men destroy our country, but this does not matter as long as you can bash liberals and the left for your own mistakes and your selfish self-serving agenda.