Dear Five Fingers "Tony" Scalia,
I bring sober, sad news. It is no longer 1787. Currently we live in the year 2003. Please update your calendars.
I also point out that there are several glaring gaps in constitutional law that you need to remedy immediately. It seems that our current crop of pointy headed liberals, who dare live in the here and now rather than the hallowed sanctity of inane anachronism, have forgotten some other realities of 1787 that we no longer recognize. To wit:
Non Whites can no longer be held as slaves. Can you believe it? What will these judicial activists think of next?
Women can vote. I mean, imagine it. The Founders would have shat their breeches had they known one day they'd be standing in the polls with the fairer, yet mentally inferior, sex.
And what's this about women owning property? Abraham's wife didn't own any property! In fact she was part of his holdings! Just say no to liberal social experiments like this.
Women in our MILITARY? This is outrageous. Clearly the Militia Act of 1792 states that only able bodied MALES be entrusted with the task of defending this nation. Any scientist can tell you that a woman does not have the physical constitution to hoist a loaded musket.
18 year olds can vote. Bah! Get them back on the farm, under the hand of their fathers and leave the business of governance to snuff addicted old white male landowners, I say!
Which brings us to our current distress. Gays can legally have sex now? Why, in the halcyon days of 1787 they would be stock and pilloried! Targets for citizen ire and rotten vegetables! Woe to these United States, WOE, that we turn our back on those perfect times simply to appease the present reality.
Harsh times require harsh measures. I suggest we start by going back to writing all supreme court rulings on parchment, with quill feather pens. Wait a minute, I forgot that hemp farms have been outlawed. Well, we can forgive that one because we know that our Founders never partook of any mind altering substance.
Make that "wood pulp" paper.