I agree - they are empathetically challenged. And this disability is rooted in fear; fear of the unknown, fear of ambiguity, fear of displaying "soft" emotions, fear of opening themselves to ridicule. But it could also be argued (as hinted at in the recent psychological study of the conservate mind, ironically funded under the Bush administration) that there are genuine issues of brain chemistry involved. I have had conversations with conservatives in which it is obvious that certain liberal axioms, like the social contract, simply "do not compute". On the other hand, liberals are perfectly capable of comprehending the self-serving axioms of conservatism, but they know that to adopt them would be a step back, both morally and evolutionarily. Conservatism, whether in America, Israel, the Islamic world or anywhere else, is jeopardizing the future of the human race. It is ironic, though not necessarily surprising, that in a time when such a rapid and radical change in our thinking is required, there should be such an upsurge in conservatism. I would like to believe that this anti-evolutionary mental deficiency could to be embraced with the same unconditional compassion one would feel toward, say, a small child with Downs Syndrome... BUT TIME IS GETTING SHORT!!