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FNC’s Gabler Falsely Impugns MRC as “Almost Always Duplicitous”

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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 02:52 PM
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FNC’s Gabler Falsely Impugns MRC as “Almost Always Duplicitous”
hello pot, this is the kettle

For the second time in six weeks, FNC’s liberal media analyst, Neal Gabler, impugned the integrity and accuracy of the MRC after a fellow panelist accurately cited a news coverage quote reported by the MRC. On Saturday’s Fox Newswatch, when Jim Pinkerton cited the MRC has his source for how, on the day of the announcement of the capture of Saddam Hussein, Peter Jennings remarked that “there’s not a good deal for Iraqis to be happy about at this moment,” Gabler claimed: “Now that’s not what he said!” Gabler proceeded to insist Pinkerton was “quoting a line out of context” and Gabler charged that the “MRC is almost always duplicitous.”
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