Edited on Sun Jan-11-04 11:19 AM by Homer12
- My post was not about Tax cuts, but the definition is scary, and the last 3 details are becoming more real by the day.
1) For many, anti-government/big brother Republicans and conservatives, seem not to mind and actually are willing to give up American Freedoms that are written into the Bill-OF-Rights for security. The Patriot Act and the extension of FBI powers are real manifestations of this erosion.
2) These same Right Wingers are more than willing to take on Pre-Emptive Warfare as a Policy, which if you put this policy into historical context is what militaristic and totalitarian governments have done throughout history. Invasion is invasion, and Hitler had to pre-emptivly invade other countries before the start of WWII to keep Nazi Germany safe (Hitlers justification is not to much different than GW's if you care to look). Also, if you are aware of the PNAC, you'll see the ideological basis for the use and extension of American military Power as a means for Global American Dominance (i.e. empire ala Roman); Lying to get us into war is something Totalitarian Regimes do.
3)Fact: the Bush Administration is the most secretive one ever. If you care to delve deeper, you'll find out that Buscho since 9/11 has been trying to centralize power in the Executive branch by vetoing workers rights in the Homeland (even this term itself is revolting, using simplistic rhetoric why don't we call our country the Fatherland) security agency has set-up "free-Speech zones" to distance protesters from the media, the list can go on and on, etc....
4) My life is not miserable, Go Packers. Nice personal attack by the way.
5) "Jack-Booted Storm Troopers" this is meant to put a mental image that many, many right-wingers act like Nazi's these days. The willingness to forsake civil rights for perceived security to the willingness to let Bushco spend (government spending has gone up at least 15%), the complacency to let the national debt rise (Fiscal conservatives were are they now?) The willingness not to hold the political leaders, accountable for their actions. The OK to let the rights media talking heads say just about anything from charging all liberals as traitors and communists and un-American for questioning the status quo and the Right wing. Not holding Rush and his ilk accountable for their hypocrisy. The complacency to let the Right-Wing media lie, lie, lie by omission of act, by character assassination, the list goes on.
Group Think has destroyed most independent thought on the Right, Hatred has poisoned most reason and Logic on the Right, the self-indulgent Moral superiority on the Right has made the Right think that the ends-always-justify-the-means.
Since 9/11 and the Iraq War the right-wing has spiraled, out of fear and anger/spite and hatred; it is transforming itself into something fare worse than it was in the 1990's. Since the rhetoric in the right-wing media is so shill and right-wingers don't seem to hold them accountable, it's not a far fetch to think that hundreds of thousands of Americans feel the same way.
Maybe "Jack-Booted StormTroopers is over the top, so I'll re-phrase it, "Neo-Conservative Fear Mongering Zealots."