It's a puzzle to me that archfiend Richard Perle, Hollinger board member, is getting plenty of promotion for his book while:
Things look black for the Lord and Lady
One evening last year, before their troubles began, Lord and Lady Black were guests at one of the great social events of the season. The guests were royalty, billionaires and intellectuals from several countries. Some acquaintances of Barbara's from the old days were there, too. When they went up to her and said hello, she looked right through them, as if they were invisible, then turned away to seek out someone more important.
As one of them explained it later, "We are her past."
Now that their reputation has fallen on hard times, the Blacks are discovering who their true friends are. The process is invariably painful. Who will return your calls when you're in disgrace? Who will beg for the pleasure of your company? Who will come to your parties and hang on your every word when everyone is gossiping meanly?
There's lots of speculation that Barbara (Mrs. Black) might have to hock her brooch (although my guess is that her main privation to date is having to fly commercial). And there's already catty talk about her well-known history of trading in old partners (four so far, and that's just the husbands) for better ones. Will history repeat itself?
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