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Reality vs. Fantasy - Perle and North (in Loonyland)

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Cassandra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 12:17 AM
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Reality vs. Fantasy - Perle and North (in Loonyland)

"First some background. Richard Perle is one of the most hawkish neocons around, part of the group that seemed to think that we could waltz into Iraq, be greeted as liberators, and then turn the whole thing over to their favorite exiles within a few months.

It's a crazy idea on its face, and it makes you wonder what kind of people could believe something so transparently out of touch with reality. Well, here's a hint: they believe stuff like this because they are out of touch with reality.

As you read this anecdote, keep in mind that it's being told by a guy who is a very hardline, hardass anti-communist. His idea of fun is to figure out new and better ways to kill Russians, and at the time this is happening he's in charge of an incredibly creative, brutal, and effective buildup of arms to kill those Russians in ever greater numbers. But even he thinks Perle and his pals are loons."

But Cheney thinks they're just brilliant. :crazy:
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Eye See You Donating Member (115 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 03:26 AM
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1. Sorry Neo-Cons, No Empire for you.
Michael Ledeen, Max Boot, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol and Richard Perle are some of crackpots of this strange cult. Required reading for a Neo-Con novice is Mahiavellis book, "The Prince".On exterior, they seem like rational patriots. Their manifesto, "Project for a New American Century" seems like the same Hog wash Teddy Roosevelt advocated in the early 20th century. Now when you get into the interior...STAND BACK!!!! Even beyond the college fraternity, "Skull &Bones" is a white supremacist cabal. Now I know I sound like one of those conspiracy nut. Hear me out. Did you ever hear of the so-called, "Liberal news Media" ? Or, "Liberal Hollywood"? But you never heard of the term "Liberal defense industry" or "Liberal Auto Industry" or even, "Liberal oil industry"? The word Liberal is Neo-Con code for JEW. "American" is code for WASP. Another code word which is fairly new, is: ELITIST. That could mean rich Jew or rich Catholic. In their sick minds, the Neo-Cons want a male Aryan ruling class to control the worlds wealth and now, outer space. Most rich people in the Democratic party are non-Wasp.By attacking rich Democrats, Neo-Cons seem like some type of populous movement.How many rich non-Aryans are members of the GOP. How many fingers do you have? Seems like a paranoid fantasy. However, look at the occultism of the German Nazi Party.
Now you ask, why are there Jewish Neo-Cons? There is some Jews who believe in ingratiating anti-Semites. They feel by doing this, they will be spared of genocide. Did you ever hear Michael Savage express Jewish pride? But yeah, he is a proud American? You heard of Judeo-Christian morality? Did you ever hear of Jewish-Christo morality? Why does it hurt to say:Jewish-Christian morality? Just negate the Jewish part of the equation.If you investigate these Neo-Cons, you will find a sick cult who is succeeding on the highest level. And by the way, that quarrel with the CIA is just another ruse. They are the best of friends.
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