Find out for yourself. This guy is :crazy:
Fix The Flaw In The Freedom Index
The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal’s tenth annual Index of Economic Freedom pulls the wool over our eyes. The deception is unintentional and arises from a fatal flaw in the index.
The index delivers the comforting conclusion that the US is the 10th most free country, far ahead of 155th ranked North Korea.
However, the index ignores the simple truth that people who do not own the product of their labor are not free. People subject to an income tax do not own the product of their labor.
Compare an American taxpayer’s situation today with that of a 19th century American slave. Not all slaves worked on cotton plantations. Some with marketable skills were leased to businesses or released to labor markets, where they worked for money wages. Just like the wages of today’s taxpayer, a portion of the slave’s money wages was withheld. In those days the private owner, not the government, received the withheld portion of the slave’s wages.
Slaves in that situation were as free as today’s American taxpayer to choose their housing from the available stock, purchase their food and clothing, and entertain themselves.
In fact, they were freer than today’s American taxpayer. By hard work and thrift, they could save enough to purchase their freedom.more...
Fix The Flaw In The Freedom IndexCheck out this guy's credentials
here He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and was an assitant Secretary of the Treasury during Raygun.
Shocked? I would be.