Here's a little excerpt from Rich Lowry's opinion piece published in The New Hampshire Union (mis)Leader:
"But no one should underestimate the importance of the signals sent by our culture. Stay-at-home moms have been bombarded for years with messages disparaging their choice. Now they should hear something else: that staying at home is a great and admirable act of self-sacrifice; that a career is not the only venue for important and meaningful work; that it is not unambitious to want to give your young children the full measure of your energy and attention."
Again, unless you happen to be a single mother, in which case your desire to stay home is a sign that you are lazy, and therefore must be forced to find important and meaningful work at the local Wal-Mart, or McDonald's, or whatever other low-paying job is out there, while some unlicensed, unregulated childcare provider gives your child much less than the full measure of the energy and attention they deserve.
How do you spell "hypocrite"? I don't know, but I know it starts with an "R."
You can read the whole piece here: