A scifi writer/editor has a weblog, on which she recently has been posting about the "private security" industry and their activities in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Apparently, she ventured a guess (since deleted and apologized for) that one of the people killed at Fallujah might be a former Aryan Nations figure of the same name. Since then, she's been the victim of untold numbers of threatening emails and blog comments, and is endeavoring to strike back.
Look here:
http://www.kathryncramer.com/wblog/ Don't wade into the comments unless you have your vomit-proof clothing on. I'm sure she'd be grateful for whatever support we can muster.
At the time of posting, this was an ongoing situation. As this (the Bush, Conservatives, and Conservatism board) is rather slow moving, you might want to check the time and date of this original post to help find Kathryn's post on the subject. Do NOT try to F2 anything on her page in IE; for some reason (yeah, I know, because IE sucks), it almost always hangs the program.