Edited on Mon Apr-26-04 11:18 AM by Homer12
A small group of like minded people, Neo-Conservatives and all the PNAC people have taken over are country to use it's power and wealth to shape the world into one where the United States acts as an empire and imperial giant that uses it's military power to secure resources, economic power, and to submit the rest of the world to "their" dreams of an American Imperium.
They use "fear", they use fear of terrorism as their tool at any whim, much like the Nazi's, G W Bush and his administration use "fear" as a weapon against the American Citizen to secure political power in this country. "Terrorism and Terrorists", the Bush administration is trying to scapegoat "Terrorism" for, ALL AND I MEAN ALL of the United States Problems, real or imagined.
This allows for lazy or real Patriotic Americans to be lulled into the blame others game, much like how the Bush Administration operates normally.
"Fear of Terrorism" is the key. This is their most potent tool to shape and manipulate public opinion. Karl Rove and the Bush Administration know that scared people can be lead and manipulated.
They are terrorists inderectly themselves, because they foster the "fear of terrorism" to keep them in power. They yeild it as a tool to smite their enemies and manipulate the public. They continue to foster this fear. Osama bin LAden must be proud of Bush becuase he's keeping American irrational fear and hatred to control the national discourse. Bin Laden "knew" that if the USA national discourse was one of logic, common-sense, and of multi-lateral global cooperation that he and Al-Quadia would be destroyed.
Terrorism relies on "fear" to make political gains. This administration has done exactly this.