You don't have to be politically aware to know that the Bush administration operates with a level of secrecy that reminds people of the Soviet Politburo. Press Conferences are non-existant. The White House Press Secretary is no more open than a cold war Soviet spokesperson. Bush might as well live in a moat circled castle. The barriers are designed to limit access to the "President", because he doesn't want to have to answer tough questions. Helen Thomas dared to ask tough questions, and soon found herself banished to the hallways during Press Secretary monologues. They don't want us asking questions. They don't want us knowing what they're doing. They don't even feel obligated to make themselves available for press scrutiny. Imagine that. We have a Constitutional right to a free and open press, yet Team Bush feels perfectly free to ignore the press. I doubt they even understand the importance of a free press. The right wingers employ other methods of silencing the truth. It's not enough for them to keep the press at bay, but they also want to silence any other voice that dares speak out. The White House Occupational Republican Engineers have sought to fill the radio airwaves with right wing hate speak, and thereby, deny other voices a forum. They have worked to fill the TV airwaves, the bookshelves, the magazine racks, and any other forum where dissenting voices may be heard. Simply to occupy the space, and deny the forum to others. Some have been intimidated into silence, such as the many Oscar attendees, who feared speaking out, because they knew the right wing smear machine would "Jane Fonda" them for the rest of their lives. Michael Moore was smeared for speaking out. (How dare he?) Would you like to see photos of war casualties or coffins? Sorry. That's not news. That's classified information. Wouldn't want to give aid and comfort to the enemy you know. Other right wing power brokers simply pull the plug when Democrats dare speak out. Witness Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon's planned appearance at the baseball Hall of Fame a couple of years ago. Rather than risk the possibility of dissenting voices being given a forum, the right winger who runs the Hall decided to cancel their appearance. Paul O'Neill, Richard Clarke, and Bob Woodward? How dare you write books critical of Shrubbie. How about a little taxpayer funded smear campaign? That'll teach you. What about the Ronald Reagan movie? Not right wing enough? The right wingers phoned CBS and threatened a boycott, and forced them to pull the plug. Check the obscure cable channels after 2 A.M. Missed it? Sorry. Michael Moore? Another movie? Does anybody have Disney's phone number? Ah, there it is... Such is the pattern of behavior from the right wingers when others dare speak out against the regime. They use every power, every connection, and every coercion at their dispense to pull the plug on critical projects. If any should happen to slip through the cracks, then a well orchestrated slander campaign is in order. "He'll never work in THIS town", was what they said when Dick Clarke released his book. Apparently, 'black-balling' is another tool at their dispense. I've stated before, that I feel journalism, as a trade, has died in this nation. It's death was not a natural death. It didn't die due to neglect, or lack of interest. And it sure didn't die because of lack of need. In fact, we need a free press NOW, more than ever. THAT may be the real reason that journalism has died. Or been killed, rather. Fear those that fear the press.